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Early Years


Our Early Years offer a curriculum that is rich with memorable experiences for all children. We work hard to provide a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, exploration, adventure and a real love of learning.

The outdoor early years provision sparks  children’s imaginations and gives them tools to become resilient independent thinkers and learners.  A range of activities enable them to reach their full potential through a combination of adult directed activities and child-initiated play. The Early Years provision supports all areas of the EYFS to ensure that children develop physically, verbally, cognitively, and emotionally in an environment that values all cultures, communities, abilities, and people.  We ensure and promote inclusive education by giving children a range of enrichment experiences such as the sensory garden, sensory play and writing and maths opportunities throughout the outdoor areas well as the woodland and loose parts areas to explore.

We support our children to be confident and independent, to believe in themselves and interact positively with others. For example, through Picture Exchange Cards.  Learning through play is at the heart of our EYFS provision; children can explore with curiosity, ask questions and develop their language through meaningful, positive interactions. These positive relationships between staff and children, along with consistent routines enable us to work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child. We are committed to ensuring that parent partnerships are also valued and  bring a huge benefit to our team  and to  the children. We encourage our learners through positive reinforcement to recognise and celebrate success on our proud wall, sharing their experiences with the class and their parents. We recognise the crucial role that Early Years education has to play in providing firm foundations upon which the rest of a child’s education is successfully based. Our Early Years curriculum establishes the key skills and knowledge the children require. Our whole school approach ensures skills and knowledge are acquired and built upon each year providing children with the tools to success  preparing them for their journey through school.

Learning in EYFS

Across both Nursery and  Reception, the children start their day with phonics taught using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. In Nursery, children learn phonics through a range of sound games helping them to tune into sounds and learn how to blend sounds orally through phonics games. The children also learn nursery rhymes during rhyme time. In Reception, children learn to read using phonics; they learn initial letter sounds, how to blend sounds orally and segment sounds to read and write simple words. Each day a new sound is introduced and children learn the sound, how to write it and learn a mnemonic to help them with their letter formation ( e.g.` a'- Around the Astronaut’s helmet and down into space). As part of the phonics lesson all children use their sounds to write a simple sentence applying their phonics skills and then during the day they are encouraged to use their skills across the early years continuous provision.

After phonics, both Nursery and Reception children have the opportunity to engage in free flow play in the early years unit. This means that children can play in both classrooms as well as the outdoor area. The indoor and outdoor provisions link closely to the Early Years seven areas of learning; this includes the maths areas, reading corners, writing tables, construction area, sand and water areas, loose parts areas (with natural objects), small world play, music areas, investigation areas, creative areas, and the role play areas. 

After lunch children learn maths using the NCETM Number blocks scheme which allows children to learn maths using concrete resources, develop their mathematical language and apply their maths skills independently.  Before home time children enjoy circle time, a shared story and talk about their learning experiences throughout the day. Children engage in reading groups daily and have the opportunity to take books home every week.